Destination Server and Database - Automatic Backup Scheduler for MySQL
Task Wizard
Automatic Backup Scheduler for MySQL > Help Document > Task Wizard > Destination Server and Database

Destination Server and Database

Enter the connection information of the destination MySQL server and select or enter a database for storing the source data.
Destination MySQL Server

Click here to read more about Connetions and General options

Select an existent database: Select an existent database on the destination MySQL server to store the source data. Please fill out the General options and then click the arrow Drop Down of the destination database list to get the databases on the destination server. You can enter an existent database name manually if it's not in the list. Please note that the database name is case sensitive.

Create a new database: Create a new database on the destination MySQL server to store the source data. The database will be created when the task is running. You can enter a database name or use the MACRO variables to create a new database every time. Please ensure the name is different from any existent databases. You can use the following MACRO variables:

  1. %DATABASE%: The name of the source database.
  2. %DATE%:The date when the destination database is created ( in the "YYYY-MM-DD" format ).
  3. %TIME%: The time when the destination database is created ( in the "HH-MM-SS" format ).
    Note: You can insert any valid character ( letters, figures, underline, etc.) between two MACRO variables, but please don't change the MACRO variables which are surrounded by '%'.
Note: The current MySQL user must have enough privileges to create a database on the destination MySQL server.

See also:
  1. Task - Back up MySQL databases to the SQL files
  2. Task - Back up MySQL databases to the other server
  3. Task - Back up a MySQL database to the other database
  4. Task - Restore MySQL databases from the backup files
  5. Task - Restore MySQL databases from the other server
  6. Task - Restore a MySQL database from the other database
  7. Task - Execute SQL Script
  8. Page - MySQL Server
  9. Page - Source Server and Database
  10. Page - Select Databases
  11. Page - Select Source Items
  12. Page - Add Backup Files
  13. Page - Recovery Databases
  14. Page - Backup Files
  15. Page - Upload Backup Files
  16. Page - Execute SQL script before starting and after ending
  17. Page - Enter SQL Script
  18. Page - Task Scheduler
  19. Options - MySQL Database Advanced Settings
  20. Options - Backup File Settings
  21. Options - Compression Options
  22. Options - Back up Tablespaces
  23. Options - SMTP Options
  24. Protocol - SSL Protocol
  25. Protocol - SSH Tunneling
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